You guys have asked for it, so here it is! I have FINALLY started a YouTube channel & am officially a vlogger (the totally hip term for those who video blog, I’m down with the lingo now). This is has been on the top of my to-do list for far too long but I am happy to say I finally took the plunge. Up until now, See Want Shop has been a creative outlet to showcase my love for beautifully curated imagery but I have realised that you all want to know a little more about the girl behind it all. I know there is only so much you can take from a carefully edited photograph whereas vlogging showcases a perspective that is both real & personal. So dear followers, my wish is now your command. But just in case you need a nudge in the right direction, here’s five (of too many to mention) reasons why you need to subscribe stat…
1. If you don’t subscribe on YouTube you’ll miss out
First and foremost, if you don’t subscribe you’re not going to know when I have uploaded a video. And if you don’t know it’s there, how will you know to watch it? So please, let’s be virtual besties from this moment on. Deal?
2. I read and respond to every one of your comments
Your feedback, your thoughts & your suggestions mean everything to me. Especially on this new venture into vlogging, I need all the feedback I can get. I want to know what you guys want to see on my channel & I want it to be completely shaped by you. Talk to me about what topics you want covered, what questions you want answered & what dance moves you want to learn. I’ll read & respond to all your comments. Pinky promise!
3. Get to know me
With the introduction of insta-stories & snapchat I am all too aware that your thirst for inside knowledge is insatiable. There is nothing quite like getting to know someone by sitting down for a chat over a cup of coffee. YouTube is today’s virtual version of this, so grab a cuppa, get comfortable & watch to your heart’s content.
4. It’s real & relatable
I am going to be keeping it as down to earth & real as I can. No glowing filters, no picture perfect poses, no hiding behind that windswept hair of mine & no fancy camerawork. This is intimate, this is real & this is me. Rather than relying on my smartphone every now and then, I’ll probably purchase a new camera and the necessary equipment for shooting videos. One of my friends also recommended that I get a hard case from sites like for my gear so that it is well protected, especially while traveling. That being said, expect to see beauty tutorials, travel diaries, styling advice, shopping hauls, and get to know me videos & fitness routines.
5. Win win win!
No explanation needed here. Once I get to 1000 YouTube subscribers I will be giving away an insanely amazing beauty pack full of all the good stuff from some of my favourite brands including Frank Body, Grown Alchemist, Moroccan Oil, Dermalogica, Clinique & Urban Decay. Now that surely has you running to hit that subscribe button. Plus the fun certainly doesn’t stop there, there’ll be regular, incredible giveaways so make sure you stay tuned on the Tube.
Now before I go, to all you lovely readers who have already subscribed & shown me some love, I would like to sincerely thank you. It means so much to have your support on this exciting new adventure of mine. I hope you all enjoy the new channel. Now go subscribe! xx
Great video! 🙂
Thank you so much Ewa! I really appreciate it 🙂
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